Where have I been?

I know, I know, it's been a week since I posted.  I just wanted to do a quick update so you know that I'm still alive and well! Life has been SO crazy lately, and it's all been wonderful and fantastic.  I'll have some real updates for you next week, but for now I'm going to share the number one reason why things have been too hectic to post:

Meet the newest member of our family...Libby!

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She's our new English Springer Spaniel puppy and she is adorable and a terrorist and a peanut all rolled into one.  We love her to death!  Her and Bella get along pretty well which makes me insanely happy.  Right now we are just working on the normal puppy things like chewing and potty training, but Nicholas has been working really hard training her and it seems to be paying off, so that's great!

I hope you all have a great weekend and I have some fun posts lined up for next week!